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If you are looking to purchase a watch then you are likely looking out for a good deal and for a reliable watch that works well. Do Chinese watches live up to your standard?
Chinese watches are reliable. Both expensive and cheap watches made in China are of good quality. The percentage of watches made in China is 30%, and in previous years it was 70%. China makes many parts that are needed to build watches, and other countries use those parts in their watches.
If you want a watch but don’t know where you should get it, then looking into the Chinese watch market could be a good place to start.
Chinese Watches
There are so many watch brands that are made in China. Some watches are made start to finish in China, and others are made partly and sent to other countries to finish manufacturing.
No one wants a watch that tells the time wrong, or that runs too fast or too slow, but people do want a good price. Some expensive brands make watches out of solid gold and they have diamonds in them, but not everyone wants to pay that price for a nice watch. So whether you are willing to spend $10, $20, $50, or $1,000 you can find a good brand of watches that are made in China.
One thing you should know is that most products that are on the shelves have some part of them made in China, but they can be assembled in a different country. Depending on the price of labor and materials, getting a nice-looking watch for a cheaper price is not hard. Brands like Sewor and Forsining are great. Their prices in USD are about $20-$40. So depending on what style you are looking for these are very affordable. So even if your watch wasn’t assembled in China, some parts could have been made there.
The second thing you should know about Chinese Watches is that the watch movements are made with great value. They run well and the movements of the inside mechanics and the face of the watch all run smoothly. So if you pay about $20-$50 for a Chinese watch, then you are paying a good price for the watch and its quality.
The third thing you should know is that some of the Chinese watch brands have weird prices listed on their sites. For instance, it will say that the watch costs anywhere from $200-$800 USD, but they are on sale for $20-$50 USD. This means that you shouldn’t pay more than $50 for the watch. They are likely making the watch look more expensive than it is, and it looks like you are getting a deal when really you are paying the real price for it. So when shopping for a Chinese watch, only pay what the watch is worth.
Sewor Watches
Sewor watches are made in China and they are really affordable. You can get them through Amazon or through the Sewor website. They sell for around $20-$40 USD and they are of great quality.
On Amazon, the Sewor watches get many reviews with about 4/5 stars on each watch. If you are worried about getting a watch, then look on Amazon and read the reviews. Many people like to post pictures and they explain everything that is wrong and right, so look there for an idea of what you are purchasing.
Forsining Watches
This brand is also centered in China. They sell watches to countries around the world and they can be purchased through their website or through Amazon as well. It might be nicer to buy them through Amazon because you can check the reviews to see what other people have to say about the watch.
The watches range from about $20-$45 USD and they also get 4/5 stars on about all of their products. Many people have boughten and reviewed these watches so you can really take the comments into consideration when purchasing a Forsining watch.
Winner Watches
Winner watches can be purchased through their website, Amazon, and through Walmart. They are sold for about $25-$50 USD on their website, but you can find them for $20-$40 on Amazon, but some of the watches can be higher or lower.
On their website, they mark many of their watches as originally $200-$800 USD, but they are on sale for $25-$50. If you are buying a watch from WInner, then try not to pay more than $50 for it. You can easily find their watches being sold for much less than that $200-$800 price range. And, if you want to spend that amount of money on a watch, then doing it on a brand that you know is really high quality and deserving of that price is a much better option.
These watches also have many reviews on Amazon and they get 4/55 stars like the brands listed above. Again, Amazon is a great place to buy this watch brand because you can be sure you are getting the quality that you are paying for. Looking at reviews before buying is the best tip you can use to make sure that you are not overpaying for an item.
Jaragar Watches
These watches are a little price than the brands listed above. You can get a watch for about $25-$100 USD on Amazon. There are many watches to choose from, and there is a lot of great reviews to let you know if you are getting an item that is worth your money.
The watches priced at about $100 don’t have many or any reviews on them, so it might be hard to tell if the more expensive watches by Jaragar are worth your money. But, Amazon is great at customer service and you can contact them if you are not pleased. They will be able to offer a refund, a partial refund, they can have you send it back, and much more to make you satisfied.
These watches are also sold on their website, Amazon, and Walmart. So, if you are headed to Walmart for buying anything and you have been wanting to get a watch, Walmart might be a good place to check them out. You can see the quality of the watch brands that Walmart holds in store in person so that you can decide if you would like to buy one. And, you can decide if you would like to look at more of their watches online so that you can see more options.